Light & Wonder has launched its online gaming platform in the newly regulated market of Brazil, significantly boosting the quality and breadth of content available to players within a safe and secure gambling ecosystem.
The go-live successfully took place with several leading online operators, and players in Brazil can now access in-house content like 88 FORTUNES MEGAWAYS, along with player-favourite franchises CASH FALLS and ULTIMATE FIRE LINK. Additionally, players can explore the acclaimed PIROTS franchise and more top-tier content from ELK Studios, a Light & Wonder development studio since 2021, alongside a wide variety of third-party content available through the Light & Wonder iGaming content marketplace.
Light & Wonder has established itself as a major presence in other LatAm countries that have regulated online gambling, including Colombia, Mexico and Argentina.
Tatiana García Barrenechea, Commercial Director – LatAm, says: “Brazil is the jewel in the crown of regulated markets in Latin America and it is fantastic to be live in a country so rich in potential.
“As always, our aim is to provide players with a wide range of relevant, localized content through our content marketplace, delivered by our operator partners. We look forward to seeing the impact that our offering has in Brazil, as we embark on a journey that delivers entertainment to players within a safe, secure environment.”