Google Confirms Update to Its Gambling and Games Policy

The changes to the advertising policies are expected to be implemented on April 14, 2025, with the internet giant expanding a number of definitions and revising country-specific guidelines


The American multinational corporation and technology company focusing on search engine technology, online advertising and software, Google, announced it plans changes to its policies regarding the advertising of gambling and games. Ahead of the implementation of the changes in April, the company released a preview of the new guidelines.

Gambling Advertisement Policies Overhaul to Come Into Effect in April

Google confirmed the upcoming update to its Gambling and Games policy on Monday. It highlighted that the changes are expected to be implemented on April 14, 2025. Focusing on the bigger picture, the software giant said that it will revise country-specific guidelines for the advertisement of gambling, as well as tweak the rules when it comes to the promotion of specific gambling activities.

It’s important to note that companies interested in advertising gambling-related content must apply for a certification from Google. Under the existing and upcoming policy, a gambling ad campaign that may target only countries where such ads are prohibited would be rejected with a “disapproved” status and won’t be promoted. On the other hand, in case an advertiser targets both countries that allow and prohibit gambling ads, Google would permit the ads to only run in allowed countries under “eligible limited” status.

“On April 14, 2025, Google will update its Gambling and Games policy. The update will include revisions to country-specific guidelines and provide more detailed explanations of the different gambling categories. A preview of the revised policy is available now, and will be available until the changes take effect on April 14, 2025,“

reads a statement released by Google

Focusing on the updated policy, it would bring changes to the promotion of offline gambling. The existing rules permit “Promotion of physical, real-money gambling activity or establishments,” however, the updated policy adds the word “legal,” meaning that only legal physical, real-world gambling activity or establishments would be advertised. The software giant, in its updated policy, also listed a number of countries such as Singapore, Turkey, Italy, Bulgaria and China, among others, where the promotion of offline gambling is prohibited.

The New Policy Expands Definitions on Online Gambling

When it comes to the promotion of online gambling, Google’s new policies which are expected to come into effect in April, expand the definitions about the activity and the promotion of what content is permitted. Besides the advertising of online gambling, the promotion of online gambling-promoting content such as “aggregator or affiliate sites that provide information about, or a comparison of, other gambling services,” is also permitted.

Focusing on the promotion of online gambling that isn’t permitted, Google’s new policy reads: “Promotion of online gambling promoting content other than aggregator or affiliate sites that provide information about, or a comparison of, other gambling services is not allowed.” In addition, the internet giant added a particular section in its online gambling promotion policy that confirmed the “promotion of Mahjong involving the exchange of money” for the Asia-Pacific region is not permitted.

Google reiterated that in order to promote online gambling, advertisers must maintain their registration, authorization and license, among other requirements that make them suitable as certified advertisers. Companies that undergo changes to their licensing must immediately contact the internet giant to notify them. The promotion of gambling advertisements without certification may ultimately result in a prohibition or account suspension.

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